
Monday, October 10, 2011

BPTP Discover Beverage Mangosteen Skin For inhibit cancer cell growth

Indonesia is rich in fruits that are nutritious for the treatment and health, one of which is the mangosteen. BPTP Sumatera Barat managed to find a drink from the bark of the mangosteen is believed to be able to kill cancer cells and tumor because it is able to work as an antioxidant and antiproliferative.

"Drink of this mangosteen peel tastes sweet and shaped like coffee powder, and ready to be circulated in 2012," said Prama Yufdi, Head of BPTP in Solok in West Sumatra.

Further explained, the content of xanthone in mangosteen skin drinks in betweengarsinon E, gar B, A, and D, 3-isomangostein, negligent and beta mangostein.
"All of these contained actively ingredient kills cancer cells and tumors," he said. Evenbeyond the ability of antioxidant vitamins C and E which is known as the most effectiveantioxidants.

Research on exotic tropical fruit skin has been conducted since 2008 and completed in 2010 involving 40 experts from BPTP West Sumatra. Subsequently in 2011, this findinghas been patented and sold to the company, thus, these findings cannot be claimed byanother party.
"Once the research was completed last year, we've offered to companies that producePT Zena Sentosa in Bogor," he said.

The PT Zena Sentosa is currently taking care of licensing so that the year 2012 couldhave been marketed and enjoyed by the community.

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